For 80% Marks

Q.1 Write an essay of 120 to 150 words on any of the following topic:
        (i)   Blessing of science                    (ii) Problems of Karachi
        (iii) Duties of student                       (iv) The Person whom I like most

Q.2 Write a letter to your father requesting him to allow you to go on a picnic arranged by
        by your school.
        Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining against the bad behavior of 
        bus conductor with students.
        Write a dialogue between two students discussing stamp collection as a hobby.

Q.3  Do as directed :.
                           Practice to all Tenses, Verbs, Narrations and Active Passive.

Q.4  (a)    Write short answers to any SIX of the following questions.
        (i)     What are the good qualities of teacher ?
        (ii)    What is the difference between fresh water fishing and marine fishing ?
        (iii)   How did the caliph discover the real owner of the horse ?
        (iv)   What qualities did King Faisal possess ?
        (v)    Who are the famous saints of Sindh ?
        (vi)   What is the historical importance of the Khyber Pass ?
        (vii)  What is tent - pegging ?
        (viii)  When we use Meter , Kilo and Liter ?

Q.4    (b)       Answer any four of the following in two or three sentences each:
          (i)        Write down the central ideal of the poem "The voice of God"?
          (ii)       Why did minstrel boy destroy his harp ?
          (iii)      What pleasure does the railway journey give to the poet ?
          (iv)      Why should we speak gently to all ?
          (v)       What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider ?
          (vi)      Who has written the poem "Little Thing " ? and what do you know about
                      him/her ?

Q.5    Fill in the blanks choosing the correct answers. (any five)
       (i)   The poem "Speak Gently" has been written by an                         poet.
              (American, Anonymous, Irish)
       (ii)  The major export of Nigeria is                   
              (Coconut, Cocabeans, Plantains)
       (iii) King Faisal was killed in the year                .
              (1970, 1975, 1980)
       (iv) In Baluchistan SANDLY is used to keep                 .
             (Warm, Cool, Cold)
       (v)  The minstrel boy girded on his father's                  .
              (Violin, Sword, Harp)
       (vi) Farmers use               to enrich the soil.
              (Medicines, Insecticides, Chemical Fertilizer)

Q.6 Use any three of the following idiomatic structures in sentences of your own:
        (i)  To have the loin's share        (ii) To turn over a new leaf
        (iii) To make both ends meet      (iv) By Fits and start
        (v) Far and wide

Q.7 Translate the following sentences into English.





Q.8 Read the following passage carefully and then answer the following questions.
                Punctuality means performing things at the appointed time. All of us should be punctual because it pays to be punctual. it saves our time to be punctuated. In fact, punctuality is the key to success. Punctuality has its social value also. Punctual persons are generally respected in the society. They don't cause inconvenience to others. Nature also observes punctuality; the sun rises punctually at the time-schedule and also sets all the appointed time.
(a) What is meant by punctuality?
(b) Why should we be punctual?
(c) What is the relation ship between punctuality and success?
(d) How does the sun observe punctuality?

Q.9 Write down the summary of the following passage.
                Islam is the first and the only religion in the world which has given the right of inheritance to women. No other religion of the world gives this right to women. Islam also gives them the right to personal property. Islam teaches men their justice should be done to them and they should not be treated cruelly. Islam also gives them the right to education by making the acquisition of knowledge compulsory for both men and women. Women enjoy respect in an Islamic society. Women should be grateful to Islam for all the rights given to them .

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